
Mendoza Argentina Mission
Serving January 2015 - July 2016

Thursday, February 12, 2015

February 12, 2015 - MTC

It has been a week of Miracles!
Life at the MTC is awesome!  We are constantly learning and growing.
So to answer your questions: We go to the Temple every p-day, in the afternoon.  We also get to walk around Temple grounds every Sunday.
I haven't actually seen anyone from Vacaville.  I am in 8M for class all day, if that helps in trying to find me.  I have ran into Brent Kimbler a few times, which is fun.  Seems like he is doing well, he is here and drives missionaries all over, early in the morning.
Sundays are amazing.  We have breakfast, we watch Music and the Spoken Word, relief society, interviews with the Branch Presidency, a district meeting, Sacrament meeting, Temple walk, dinner, and devotional.  I look forward so much to Sundays.  This past Sunday, Hermana Williams and I were in charge of teaching the meeting and leading a discussion.  We do it in English, and it was soooo easy, no worrying about speaking Spanish.  We talked about el Libro de Mormon.
So, we have a really close zone, which has 2 district in it.  Our zone only has 5 hermanas and 7 elders, and we all eat meals together and hang out.  My specific district is awesome.  Hermana Williams and I teach together, she is really good at Spanish and we are getting better at being able to teach with each other.  
Hermana Henzi is terrified of bugs.  We were walking out of dinner, and a bug is on her face.  She starts freaking out and brushes it off.  Instead of going away, she somehow brushed the bug into her skirt!  She was freaking out so much, Hermana Moir was trying to help her while laughing super hard, and Hermana Williams and I were doubled over from laughing so hard.  We got some of the strangest looks I have ever received.  Luckily, she got the bug out, and all is well, and now we have this hilarious memory with each other.  
Hermana Bedell has a head scratcher, which we all call the stimulator.  She told her parents about the fun times we have with it, and they sent us all our own stimulators!  They are so fun, and they feel awesome.
So, Eduardo, who we were teaching, is now our 2nd teacher, Hermano Dolbin.  Hermano Rasmussen is still our teacher, but we also teach him, as Chava.  I learn so much from both of them, it is so amazing.
While teaching Rosi, I was feeling really prompted to challenge her that if she feels our message is true, and if God answers her prayers, would she be baptised.  Hermana Williams was talking at the time and had the exact same impression, and extended the invitation.  The Spirit was so strong, and Hermana Williams and I both felt the Spirit urging us to do the same thing.  I am so grateful for the spirit and the peace it brings
In class with Hermano Rasmussen, we were practicing a 3 minute message of the restoration.  Since we have an odd number in our district, someone is always paired with the teacher.  Usually they have us switch partners part way through, but this time they had us keep the same partners.  I was partnered with Hermano Rasmussen.  Since he is the teacher, I got to just give the message over and over and over again, while everyone else took turns.  I am actually really grateful for that, as I am now much more comfortable with the message.
So my district, who I spend all day with:
Hermana Williams - my comp, she is fun and outgoing
Hermana Moir - she has an amazing conversion story, from just a year ago, and is such an example to me of perserverance
Hermana Henzi - a cc and track girl, she has a quiet strength about her, and extreme fear of bugs
Elder Kidd - really funny, he is super kind and has awesome one liners
Elder Burns - super quiet and really suprising, he says stuff that really catch us off guard, in a good way
Elder Plumb - an awesome artist, an example of sticking with trying to learn Spanish
Yo se que Dios es amoroso.  Dios es mi Padre Celestial.  Estoy agradacida por mi slavador.  Yo se que Jesucristo sufrir por mis pecados y saber como yo sento durante los tiemps de dificiles.  Yo se que familias puedan ser eterna.  Estoy agradacida por la oportunidad aprender mucho.  Yo se que el Libro de Mormon es la palabra de Dios.
Con mucho amo,
Hermana Quain
 Hermana Quain, Hermana Bedell, & Hermana Henzi
This is our old zone and branch presidency.  We are now half that size, down to 7 elders, and 5 hermanas.  3 elders and 6 hermanas left for the field.  Our branch presidency is awesome!
Sisters in my zone

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